
cheat engine 5.6
firefox 3.5
flash player 9
1.Abrir Pet society,cheat engine5.6/seleccionar navegador/Array of bytes/Also scan read only memor
2.Cepillar al pet society,Escanear "0F84D50200008B5DFC8B73088B8EEC"al resultado clic derecho disassemble this memory region,clic derecho y "Replace with code that does nothing"
3.Escanear"8B403C8945E88B45E885C0"al resultado clic derecho disassemble this memory region,clic derecho y "Replace with code that does nothing"
4.Escanear"C7 44 24 FC 00 00 00 00 89 74 24 F8 DF 6C 24 F8 DD 5C 24 F8 F2 0F 10 44 24 F8 F2 0F 2A CA"al resultado clic derecho disassemble this memory region,mov [esp-04],00000000 cambiar A mov [esp-04],0000000f
5.Ahora ponen a su pet society arriba del cofre (donde estan los objetos) y agarran el cepillo,cepillan a su pet y vuelven al cofre
y asi sucesivamente.
By Zako

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